sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

Artigo sobre o Sertão Carioca

Confluenze. Rivista di Studi Iberoamericani

Expansão urbana, mercado imobiliário e conflitos de terra no Sertão Carioca (1940-1964)
Leonardo Soares dos Santos


The rural zone of Rio de Janeiro was place of a lot conflicts and struggles for property of land, especially those drove to agriculture activities. This work debate how this process was connected to urbanization of rural areas during 40’s to 60’s. The end of Sertão Carioca (name of rural zone, how was called for all) represented the triumph of an aggressive urban expansion. The Rio de Janeiro’s rural zone urbanization case express the historic way of urban evolution of almost every cities in Brazil: an urbanization based in a few economic groups and yours interests with support of State and governments.


urbanization; urban agriculture; rural zone; Rio de Janeiro; Sertão Carioca

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